
18 2016

Canadian Friends of Magen David Adom Anniversary

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Calgary JCC 1607 - 90th Avenue S.W. on Jerusalem Road
Calgary, AB T2V 4V7

Contact Nava Wainer

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Magen David Adom in Canada and the 10th anniversary of Calgary Friends of Magen David Adom, a special program is planned featuring Calgary Drs. Barb Atnikov and Albert Rosengarten, who will relate their personal experiences from their recent mission in Israel and a special 10th anniversary medical lecture by Prof. Orly Yadid-Pecht on the subject of "Advanced Bio-Medical Devices - Applications in Various Fields of Medicine." The Chapter will also honour its volunteers for their commitment and  dedication over the last ten years.

For more information please call 403-251-6802.

Sponsor: Canadian Friends of Magen David Adom