
21 2018

Federation -AGM

7:15PM - 9:00PM  

Calgary JCC 1607 - 90th Avenue S.W. on Jerusalem Road
Calgary, AB T2V 4V7

Contact Calgary JCC

Notice of 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Members of Calgary Jewish Federation

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:15pm at the Calgary JCC, 1607 90 Ave S.W. on Thursday June 21.

In addition to the regular business of the meeting, it is intended to propose a Special Resolution to authorize the amalgamation of Calgary Jewish Federation and Calgary Jewish Community Council.

The text of the Special Resolution is below.  A copy of the Amalgamation Agreement will soon be on this website.  That agreement will be available at the meeting and a copy will be sent to any Member requesting one by contacting Paula Egelnick at 403-444-3152 or Pegelnick@jewishcalgary.org


WHEREAS the Directors of the Society have approved and authorized the execution of the amalgamation agreement dated effective September 1, 2018 (or such other date as the directors may approve) respecting the amalgamation (the "Amalgamation") of the Society and Calgary Jewish Community Council (the "Amalgamation Agreement");

AND WHEREAS the Directors of the Society have submitted to the Members of the Society the Amalgamation Agreement;


  1. The Amalgamation under section 32 of the Act of the Society and Calgary Jewish Community Council is hereby authorized and approved;
  2. The Amalgamation Agreement attached hereto as Schedule A and the transactions and matters contemplated by the Amalgamation Agreement be and the same are hereby agreed to, confirmed, ratified and approved.