Networking and career information fair for newcomers to the Calgary Jewish community on Wednesday, January 29 at 4:00pm at the Paperny Family JCC (1607 90 Avenue S.W.)
The event will include:
- Opportunities for newcomers and existing community members to meet and connect for career conversations
- Information from local agencies specializing in services for immigrants
- Resume and cover letter guidance and reviews
- Child care (ages 3-12)
We are also seeking community members to volunteer as mentors to support specific newcomers to our community. We are welcoming volunteer mentors who are mid career to retired. This includes:
- Being partnered with a specific newcomers/job seeker for a three month engagement with a maximum of three to four hours per month.
- Anything helpful to job seekers, such as subject matter expertise related to your field of experience, recommendations of companies or roles to pursue locally, and introductions to people in the industry to connect and learn from.
- Volunteers should have Calgary specific professional connections.
Both job seekers as well as working professionals are encouraged to register! For more information, please contact Danielle or Inessa.