2019 Shem Tov Award Recipients

Beth Tzedec Congregation- Markham Silver

Calgary B’nai Brith Lodge #816- Barry Pechet

Calgary JCC -Jim MacArthur

Calgary Jewish Academy- Eric Kettner

Canadian Hadassah-WIZO - Aviva Cheuk
Calgary Centre

Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta - Michelle Alayev

Community Relations Committee - Jared Shore

Halpern Akiva Academy - Michael Ullman

Hillel Calgary - Harold Flohr

House of Jacob Mikvah Israel- David Silver


Inclusion - Rhona Shore

Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary - Stuart Libin

Jewish Family Service Calgary - Kristen Joffe

Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta- Naomi Kerr

The Jewish National Fund of Calgary - Ariella Benjamin

Kehilat Shalom - Nurit Ofer and Bruno Kahane

Kesher - Rabbi Leonard Cohen

Na’amat Canada Calgary - School Supplies for Kids Committee

Temple B’nai Tikvah - Katie Baker