Our vibrant and eclectic Jewish community of approximately 8,500 offers an astounding array of activities, programs and services. 

Calgary Jewish Federation is the engine that keeps our community humming, and represents the Jewish community within Calgary, and as a member of Jewish Federations of North America. Some of Calgary's Jewish institutions include two Jewish day schools, five synagogues of differing denominations, Jewish Family Service, and a beautiful JCC. Please see the list on the lower right side of this page, or the Community Directory page.


 For information on Jewish Community resources, contact Danielle Braitman.

  • Shalom Baby - A resource for young families

    Jewish life cycle events, Jewish holidays and your relationship with your community - all this changes when you have a baby. Click for more information about our Shalom Baby program.

  • Social Services

    Jewish Family Service Calgary strengthens communities by providing social services to individuals and families based on the Jewish values of compassion, social justice and improving the world.