Sharing, Caring, and Warmth in the Calgary Jewish Community

Shawl-om is a Jewish community program, started in May 2020, welcoming all to contribute hand-made shawls and lap blankets to be distributed to those in the Jewish community in need of comfort.

Suggested Guidelines for Handmade Shawls or Lap Blankets

  • Can be quilted, sewn, knitted, crocheted, felted, knot-tied, or any other method to create something warm.
  • Should be handmade.
  • If suitable a large button can be added to a shawl to keep it in place. Try to avoid small buttons for recipients who may have arthritis.
  • A pocket could be added so that the recipient has a place for a few belongings.
  • Consider that shawls/lap blankets may be distributed to people of all genders and ages.
  • Consider that shawls/lap blankets may be given to a person in a wheelchair so there should not be any long tassels or anything sticking out that could get caught in a wheelchair wheel.
  • Blankets can be sized for the lap or a nap.
  • Shawls should be big enough to be wrap-a-round, and not small scarf size.
  • Individual knitted/crocheted squares (for Shawl-om to combine to make a blanket) cannot be accepted.

To Participate or Refer
For further information, to hand in completed shawls / lap blankets or to refer someone to receive a shawl / blanket from the Shawl-om Project please email Michele Doctoroff or call 403-238-2919.

Your creativity, time, and donations of shawls and lap blankets are appreciated in helping to remember members of our community who are shut-in and would be touched by being remembered.


Funding and support provided by: Calgary Jewish Federation, JFSC, and Rimon Calgary.

